Monday, May 1, 2023

The Meat Bird Mansion

 Well, it's not really a mansion it's a hoop coop but the meat birds don't know that. In past years we have used a chicken tractor that had to be moved a least twice daily and was really a bit too small to grow them out completely and even though we tried was not predator proof. Unfortunately we found that out this year when a family of fox wiped out half of our young birds in one night just before we moved them to the large coop. Predator problems have been ever increasing with the farm land around here being sold off and subdivisions being built. The wildlife simply has no where to go. Our last evening chore everyday is to lock all of our poultry up.

This coop is about 16 feet long and has it's own enclosed run so they can forage during the day and be locked up at night. I have also used it for young layers to grow out in until they learn to fly over the fence. We plan to process the few we have left Mother's Day weekend and then I will be moving my granddaughter's colored egg flock there until they are ready to be integrated with the other layers. 

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