Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Long, Cold Winter

It has been a dreary winter here on the homestead to say the least. The first week of this month brought a deep freeze unlike we have have seen in many, many years. It lasted a week with lows in the single digits and highs in the teens and low 20's. Tending the animals was extremely difficult and unfortunately hubby ended up with the brunt of it since I went down with a nasty bug for almost 2 weeks. Our winter garden was devastated. Not much could survive those temperatures for that extended amount of time. Fortunately we knew this freeze was coming and harvested lots of greens, beets, broccoli and cabbage. It lasted for the month. I am hopeful since the spinach was small it may come back.
Next came the snow. What was supposed to be a dusting turned into 7 inches. 😲 The mud it left behind is so deep it will suck the barn boots right off your feet. The good news is that we are chipping away at the rain deficit. At least that's what I keep telling myself as I go on my daily slog fest!

It is hard to believe but spring is around the corner. Sis has been busy in the greenhouse starting the early spring plants. Broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprout are up. This is always an exciting time of year!