Friday, May 1, 2020

Let's Catch Up Part 1 - January

It's been since October since I have blogged. One of the reasons I have slacked is because a knarly shepherd puppy has messed my camera up and I am struggling loading pictures from my phone. It's frustrating and way more time consuming for me.

Let's catch up. So we made it through the holidays which are always beyond crazy with family gatherings and our employee party and turkey cooking.

I look forward to January since it is usually cold and I have time to gather my thoughts and plan my new year, not so much this year! This January was extremely mild. If you have followed a while you may remember we planted 40 blueberry bushes on the back side of the property a few years ago. Out of sight, out of mind and we have not taken very good care of them. We decided to move them closer to the house. We spent 3 weekends digging them up and moving them to a new spot. And if you have followed us a while you can probably guess this snowballed into a new project... A new orchard! Our old orchard has become shaded our and is not producing well.
The new orchard now is home to 36 blueberry bushes, 10 apple trees, 2 cherry trees and 1 pear so far. I had ordered 60 asparagus crowns to go up there but we changed our minds. More on that later ;-)

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