Friday, June 13, 2014

Update On The Snake Bit Sheep

We are going into week three. After finding the second bite on her face I was surprised that she was doing as well as she was. I have been scrubbing the wounds daily and believe me they are pretty nasty. The first one is almost healed. Wednesday night I went to clean and saw most of the hair on her belly was gone and the stench was incredible. Another bite! I cleaned as best I could and again yesterday because I had to work. I called the vet and he was due to arrive at 9 a.m. this morn. Last night at 8 he called and wanted to know if he could be here this morning at 6 a.m. (Seems he was going on vacation) That suited me just fine. At first glance he thought she looked pretty good but after probing the belly wound, discovered it is very infected. Her face looks good and he was pleased with the progress there. The belly wound will require flushing with a long tube. Ugh. Another 10 days of antibiotics along with a secondary one given 4 days apart. He seems to think she probably laid down on it and it bite her. In trying to get away another two strikes to the face. He says she is not out of the woods yet and we should only be cautiously optimistic.So,we continue to treat her and hope for the best.

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