Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bringing Up The Steers

Tomorrow our two steers are headed off to the butcher. Today we separated them along with my dairy cow who herself will be off to visit a neighbor's bull. No easy feat since they were in a pasture with three horses and two rams! Usually either they all want to go in a small area or no one wants to go there. Today they all went. Ugh. Finally after a bit of chasing and several buckets of grain, everyone was situated for the night. We also had a lamb leaving. He was a much easier catch and put in a stall until tomorrow.
 Flower beds were weeded and more plants moved. This has been taking a bit of time since a lot of the plants are old and established and their root system seems to go clear to China. Little by little though...
Late in the day I went to move the chicken tractor and refill their water trough. I wandered to the garden and found our strawberries were beginning to ripen. There was more that a few to eat and I thought this called a for a celebration! Off to the house to make an angel food cake and chocolate syrup!
The evening milk was brought up, strained and cultures added for a pot of fromage cheese. Tomorrow it will top the lamb gyros that are on the menu. And so another day on the homestead has come and gone....

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