Tuesday, April 13, 2010

On Being Prepared...

I am all about family preparedness. I believe our shelves and freezers should have enough to substain us for at least a year, hopefully more. There should be canned goods from our garden. Meat from our flocks and herd. A stockpile of other necessary items we may need and definitely an emergency medical kit. However, I have never mentioned our spiritual pantry. Our spiritual pantry needs to be filled daily with prayer, meditation and good deeds. All the other things we put by only meet our needs here on earth, and we won't need them forever.
You can probably read between the lines and know that today we suddenly lost a person that seemed larger than life and was very close to my husband. I have prayed for his soul and his family. And as Forrest Gump would say.. that is all I have to say about that. Blessings to all.

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