Saturday, March 13, 2010

Road Trip

We were supposed to head up to Staunton, Virginia next weekend to pick up some cashmere goats. Last night we had heavy thunderstorms and all plans for outside projects have to be put on hold for the day, so we are going to make a quick turnaround trip today. If all goes well we should be back before midnight. I actually like these trips as it gives my husband and I a chance to talk and I get lots of knitting projects done along the way.
I am baking this morning and will deliver bread around 10. We will get all critter and milking chores done and hopefully head out by noon. Round bales need to put out today.
( Before we head out I will also lay out a roast to corn for the next few days. Don't forget about St Patrick's day next week! I am planning a traditional meal.) I need to get labels on my goat milk soap for the store for this morning delivery as well. Wow! I better get busy! Pics tomorrow of the new arrivals.


  1. Drive safely, Kelly! Nick will be waiting, and I am so sorry I won't be there.

    And so sorry about your ewe. We've all been there.

    Great to find your blog. I'm going to put a link to it on my blog. Funny, my last post was about corning beef for St. patrick's Day. Great minds!


  2. We had a great trip. So many improvements there! We missed you as well :o(
