Sunday, April 15, 2018

Babies and Bad Weather

I was greeted this morning by a set of beautiful twin goats this morning.
A little brown boy
and a little black girl.

Today I would not be able to leisurely enjoy their cuteness though since bad weather including high winds, heavy rain and hail were due to roll in this afternoon.
I spent the early part of the day putting up anything that might be picked up by high winds like chair cushions and flags. Then I had to haul in to the garage all the herb plants, flowers and ferns that I had purchased over the course of this past week. I was really thankful that none of these had been planted or put in pots in case of large hail.(Some stations were calling for quarter size hail) Lastly I made sure all of the animals were safe and secure in barns and shelters with extra hay to munch on.
I charged all the flashlights and phones and filled several gallon containers with water.
Just as I was finishing up, the first weather alert came across the radio with a tornado warning. It was about 30 miles south of us. We were due for it in 20 minutes. Thankfully, for us, it split before getting here and we only got the heavy rain, flickering lights and a few claps of thunder. About 3/4 inch fell in 20 minutes or so. Our neighbors to the east and west of us were not so lucky. Trees and power lines were down and many houses destroyed. Our hearts go out to them and we are once again thankful and blessed here on the homestead.


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