Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lil Bunny

After the last two days of working sun up til sun down, I decided this morning I was going to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the rain and the birds. Not. I no sooner sat down when I heard a gosh awful scream. Did you hear that? I asked Doug. Yeah, but I can't tell from where. I walked outside and glanced around. Nothing seemed amiss. I once again sat down and I heard it again. That was the sound of something hurt, stuck or in severe pain. Out the door I flew in barn boots and robe. (I am so glad we have no close neighbors!) Down at the barn I found the source. Mom's angora doe was in labor. LOUD labor. We did not think she was bred and had not sheared her yet. Being that she closely resembled a woolly mammoth and it would be utterly impossible for her kids to nurse, well .... Shearing goats was not on my list for today. Sigh.
She delivered a beautiful blue cashgora buck (1/2 angora, 1/2 cashmere). I trudged to the house and put on barn clothes. It took about 1 1/2 hours to get her finished. I used hand blades and was a bit rusty. She was most patient. The morning was quiet and peaceful. While clipping I watched an eagle dive into our pond after fish. Quite a sight I must say..and then I starting worrying about the lambs. Shoo bird, SHOO!
 Mom appeared to return the baby lamb and goat she had taken to church and since I was in clipping mode I asked if she could hold the yearling cashgora does. She did and they went much faster. I think they were only slightly embarrassed.
AND last dairy doe went into labor. I hung around the barn to keep an eye on her. Finally she had a tiny little doe. The next kid was not far behind but I soon realized all was not going smooth. Two legs, no head. It turns out its head was twisted back behind amount of trying to turn the kid would get it in position and I ended up having to pull it. It was dead. I sad. Life and death is a part of homesteading. Never easy but a fact. I am thankful for all the victories we have had this year with this crazy kidding season. I am also thankful it is over. And I am  thankful for Lil Bunny....
Happy Easter.

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