Friday, July 8, 2011

Off Topic~ Listening To Your Body

Okay. For the last few weeks I haven't felt quite myself. Lower back pain, stomach pain. It could certainly be stress, but I just felt something was not right within. I made a Dr's appointment. It even sounded stupid to me as I explained my symptoms to him. How bad does it hurt, he wanted to know. Not enough to slow me down and certainly tolerable but something is strange. He knows me fairly well, I am not a complainer, I darken his door for physicals every year or so~ give or take a few months. Other than that I don't go. He prescribed a medicine for IBS and  told me I  MUST take it so we could eliminate some things. Not a medicine taker I wanted to balk. Food is my medicine. I feel most things can be healed that route. However, I did humor him and take it as prescibed. It did not work. I had a CT scan done and today I was informed that there is a tumor on one of my ovaries. Surgery will be scheduled in a couple of weeks. If I said I wasn't a bit scared I'd be lying. However, we move past that and life does keep going here on the homestead. I mean really, the goats still need to be milked and the critters fed and water. Good Heavens! I have 65 birds to butcher and pickles to can and tomatoes to can and, and, and.
This was my point. Your body tells you things. You must listen to it and honor it. The tumor is small, most likely benign but had I not gone and said something is not right..

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