The beets are ready to be pulled. I need room in my freezer. The huge bag of cucumbers I shoved in the fridge threaten to fall on my toes every time I open the door. Where to start.
I pulled several packs of beef bones from the freezer and put them in the oven to roast on low while I baked and milked this morning. All morning my kitchen smelled heavenly. After I strained the milk, I pulled the bones from the oven and tossed them into a large stockpot with celery, onions, garlic and salt & pepper. On the back burner, I let them simmer most of the day.
My husband called and said he would be in for lunch. This put a slight crimp in my plans because it would now be noonish before I finished chores and headed to the garden. Being that the heat index was going to be well over 100* I was not looking forward to being out at that time of day. However, it was not so bad. I have learned that you just move a little slower ;o)!
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