Sunday, February 17, 2019

Not Again!

I headed out again this morning on yet another nasty wet day for day two of dog training. The babies made it through the night and had a nice warm breakfast. Mom would feed at lunch and I would be home early today.
I got home around 2:30 and hubby met me in the drive. What are your plans he asked. I told him I had been wet and cold for 2 solid days and felt chilled to the bone. I wanted to get my chores done and sit in front of a fire until I thawed out. Not happening .....

I got to the barn to find another goat had kidded. She had 2 but apparently could only count to one. She was taking care of baby #1 but left baby #2 in a puddle of afterbirth wanting nothing to do with it. I got it dried off and got a heat lamp hung where I tucked both babies until I finished chores. After feeding and milking the cow I milked out first bad mama. Second bad mama only seemed to have enough milk for the baby she liked so I traipsed up the hill to Mom's to steal some from one of here girls.
I left baby #1 with mom and hauled baby #2 to the house. Now I have a basket full of babies in my laundry room!

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