Monday, January 6, 2014

Preparing For The Deep Freeze

Old man winter is rearing his ugly head. Our high for today was this morning around 6 a.m. when it was in the low forties. The temp is projected to continue dropping over the course of the day with it bottoming out tonight at 8* with a windchill of -5*. That will break a 130 year old record and we here in the sunny south just don't know how to deal with that! What is worse is the temp is not going to go above freezing for at least 2 days.
Today was going to be a very busy day. Luke headed to the feed store at 7:30 to stock up on grain for the week. By the time he got home and dumped all the feed the temp has dropped 4 degrees and the wind had already picked up. When I got to the barn at 9:30, it was 38*. I spent the next two hours rearranging animals. Some went into stalls where they would be protected from the wind. Extra water buckets were filled. All of the plastic chicken water containers were emptied for fear they would freeze and crack and replaced with rubber bowls filled with water. I fed everybody grain and put out the first round of hay.
I headed back to the house for a bit to thaw out before going back out to help mom. We needed to hang some tarps to block the wind in her barn and protect her goats. Not pretty but functional. Her animals taken care of I headed in to build a big fire and start a warm supper..two large pots of soup. Chicken noodle, chili and cornbread were on the menu tonight.

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