Tuesday, January 7, 2014

And Freeze It Did!

Wow. That's about all I can say. I listened to the winds howl most of the night and wished I could have brought the whole farm in the house!
We woke to a complete layer of ice over the pond. The water buckets had 2 or more inches of ice. We has to use hammers to break the ice and quickly dip it out so it wouldn't refreeze almost immediately. We did have to haul some water for the goats that were using the pond for drinking water because the ice was too thick at the edge to break. We decided to put the cow in a stall for fear she may try to walk out on the pond and break through.
Doug fed hay before leaving for work and I fed it twice more during the day. The animals seemed way less concerned than I and fared well. I did find one young doe who seemed to be having a hard time and she was moved to the barn.
Only one more day of this and the temps are supposed to level off again.

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