Thursday, February 18, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

Today started off tranquil enough. I got up a bit earlier to bake and catch up a few things in the house. After I delivered bread, I ran a few errands (waiting for it to warm up!). I picked up my grain co-op and got part of it unloaded and put away. The sunshine kept calling though, so I headed outside not sure of what project I might attack. I decided to check on all the goat kids and didn't make it much farther than that. The sun was so warm, shining into the barn, so I pulled up a five gallon bucket to sit on and let all the kids out to play. For the next 45 minutes or so I was completely entertained by the little munchkins. They ran and jumped and fought. They would stop by for a kiss and to be held for a few minutes before they were off again. I did manage to clean the hall of the barn and get hay in the feeders.

While I was finishing up the hay I noticed one of my bird dogs acting a bit strangely. As I started toward him I noticed he was covered in blood and it looked like he was eating something. When I called he came running to me and the "something" was his upper lip. I just about died!! Somehow he managed to practically rip it in off. I scurried around rounding up babies that were now having way too much fun to go back in their stalls. No cooperation at all on their part. As I passed the expecting does I saw one looking like she was in the beginning stages of labor. Grand.

S0 I ran to get the truck and a blanket for Ringo and called the vet to let them know we were on our way. Once there, they took him straight back. The prognoses? He needed surgery to put his lip back together. They told me to go home and they would call. I absolutely hate leaving my critters in the care of others (hence, no vacations) but leave him, I did.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... I arrived home just in time to see the second kid born from the doe that looked "iffy" when I left. These were the biggest kids, by far, I have ever had born here. I really wanted to jump in there and help, but unless I am absolutely needed I try not to interfere with nature. I finished up with afternoon chores while keeping an eye on the new kids. They were trying to get up and she was cleaning them, so all looked well.

I headed back up to get my milking pails. When I got back to the barn the second kid looked liked he was tired and lethargic. In an effort not to lose hot water and cleanliness, I started milking, all the while worrying and keeping an eye on him. Mama doe was washing and doing her job and he was responding somewhat. I milked with record speed and stashed the milk in the fridge so I could tend babies. I milked the mom and bottle fed colostrum. Within minutes the kids came to life and were doing well. They are so big and clumsy!! I milked and fed colostrum again in about 2 hours and finally they were strong enough to nurse about an hour later. So it seems the kids are going to be fine.

I will pick Ringo up early, after I bake in the morning, and before work. Just another day on the homestead...

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