Monday, July 13, 2009


I spent the morning with a dear friend today. She is the most beautiful person I know, both on the inside and out. She is brave and funny and smart and always there for those that need her. She is also dying. Her diagnosis came in January of this year. To say we were shocked doesn't begin to touch on the emotions we all felt. How does this happen? She is 48. We have too much to do yet. We wanted to grow old together. Places to go, things to do and learn.
We met about 13 years ago. She bought sheep from me. We became friends almost instantly and since have done so much together!! We learned about our sheep together. We learned to knit and spin and make soap. We became yarns addicts. She has since recovered, I have not. We made grand plans to get rich selling alpaca poop. I was probably drinking, but I am quite sure she was sober. We went on vacations (and plan to do so again this year) and we have laughed ALOT.
So today we went sorted through some of her things. Loose ends that need to be tied up. I even found one of our crazy projects gone bad that made me laugh out loud. Instructions were given on who needs to receive what now and what to do... later.
In the last few months she has showed more bravery than any person I know. She has been through it all. Chemo, radiation, surgery. She has taught me a wonderful lesson. We are promised nothing. Take today and live it to the fullest. Don't sweat the small stuff and I have realized that most everything IS small stuff! I have come to cherish my family, my farm, my friends in a way I never thought possible. I am grateful for everyday. I am especially grateful for everyday I get to spend with her. We may only have a few months or maybe God will give us longer. Who knows? But for now, we will take it day by day and are grateful for for each and every one of them.

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