Tuesday, June 2, 2020

A Little Garden Tour

Finally a few days without rain and we were able to get some much needed tilling done in the garden. Sunday we tied the tomatoes up again and did a lot of hand work. We try and keep a border tilled around the edge to discourage the weeds from creeping in and that was accomplished today. It was also dry enough at the end of the strawberry row to work the ground. This is going to be a temporary culinary/ medicinal herb bed until we find a suitable place out of reach of the evil crab grass. Sis has started me several plants in the greenhouse that NEED to go in. Echinacea, valerian, borage and mullein to name a few. And yes we have mullein growing wild but no matter how many pink flags I put out that say DON'T MOW they still meet a mowing death. ;-(
For something a little different we built a hoop frame out of old cattle panels. Along each side I planted pole beans and under it some radishes and arugula.
Things are really starting to produce on the homestead. We should start harvesting some goodies in the next couple of weeks.

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