Monday, March 12, 2018

Boot-y Call

My dogs have a terrible habit of grabbing whatever is on the front porch and taking off with it. I have a terrible habit of leaving my barn boots on the front porch. Last night that became a recipe for disaster. Doug went out to shut up the shop and I was warming milk for the baby goats. Ludovic flew out the door and grabbed one of my boots.( I missed that part) At 3:30 this morning I realized said boot was MIA.  When I inquired about it this morning I was told, yes, Ludo had it and was running through the blueberry bushes with it and was also behind the sheep barn. Great.

So today I spent 3 hours scouring every square inch of the immediate fenced in area. To make this even more fun the darn thing is camouflage. So far it has not turned up. It's not like it is a small boot they are quite large (and new..grr). I will continue to look. I mean, really it can't have just disappeared. Right?

So, in the mean time, if anyone has a size 7 left foot tall barn boot missing it's mate, I will gladly take it off your hands or foot, so to speak!

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