Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Creative With Kale

If one could drown in a kale patch I would have perished this past week. I have picked and eaten and eaten and picked. Not that I am complaining, but there seems to be just so much you can do with greens, being that just plain 'ole cooked greens have never really been my first choice.

And so it began with a kale risotto that was fixed a couple of weeks back. Then, there is always the creamy kale soup. I also cooked a huge pot of white beans with a smoked lamb bone and added kale at the end. The latest is a spin on an old family recipe that used spinach.
Saute about 2 pounds of kale with some chopped onion in butter or olive oil until wilted and tender. In a bowl mix together 1/2 cup of sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp flour, 1 cup of cheese, salt and pepper to taste. I use whatever cheese I have on hand, this time it was some smoked Gouda but Parmesan or Cheddar works as well. Fold in the greens and bake at 350* for 25- 30 minutes. Pretty tasty!


  1. Hello there. I'm new to your blog. One thing I've starting doing with extra kale, greens, etc, is I laid them out on the dehydrator sheets at 115 degrees so as not to kill off all the enzymes. I then powdered them in a coffee grinder and now I have some greens to mix into my smoothies through out the winter. Its sure cheaper than buying the powdered greens at the health food stores and taste much better and fresher.

  2. Yum! Thanks for the tip. I will certainly try that~ Bet I could add that to my pasta dough as well!!
