Monday, December 14, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

Yet another rainy cold day here on the farm. I don't usually complain about the rain but good grief, enough already! I slogged to the barn to unload the weekly feed run and the mud almost sucked my boots off. Every gate is an oozing mess of mud and manure where the animals stand and wait for feed. We are taking hay way out into the pastures on the 4 wheeler to keep them from stomping it in the ground and wasting it.
The garden is so wet the spinach looks anemic. CSA orders were filled again today and I was surprised to see the lettuce actually made it through the cold last week so, hurray! salads for a bit longer. I harvested purple cabbabe and more carrots so together they should make a beautiful salad tonight.
My seed catalogs are arriving at a rapid pace and it is all I can do not to peek. It has been my yearly ritual to not look at them until after Christmas. I save them all in a big pile to read by the fire in January. I love to page though them over and over, making decisions and planning the summer garden. For some reason this year it has been a bit harder to wait. Wait I will, however,
for January is drawing ever closer.

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