Yesterday we spent the morning building a new brooding area for the chickens and turkeys. We had to create an area that was off limits to the goats. Last year any escapee would run to the brooder and try and eat the chicken food. We hung a gate to block the area off and built a permanent rack for the brooders to sit on. One brooder is still in good shape. The other I will need to order some replacement parts for, but once that is done w
e will set both up. I will cover them with tarps when not in use.
Early this morning the first of our meat birds arrived. Only 25 this time. We have plans to raise another 75 or so in hopes of selling a few this year.
While milking and feeding the kids this morning I noticed several seemed to have developed a case of diarrhea. Yuk! I was concerned and gathered some evidence to have a fecal run at the vet's office. I wanted to make sure we weren't dealing with something serious but they were declared healthy, just guilty of over indulging. So home I came with some medicine to help with the upset tummy's.
These are just precious little baby chicks. I can't wait to maybe get a peak some time. You inspire me.