Thursday, February 24, 2011

Comlplete Chaos

I was baking this morning when I saw the drizzle start. I realized the goats were in a paddock attached to the barn with no shelter. I hurried down to scoot them all into the barn. The drizzle stopped so I decided to milk and feed babies before the move. Milking done I opened gates and tried to shoo everyone towards the barn. What a joke! 16 goats and 32 kids does not make for a cooperative crowd. The Heavens opened up. The bread was ready. The goats were everywhere. Half in the barn and half out, I hurried to the house, pulled the bread out to cool and headed back to the barn. I gathered up kids one under each arm and made about 100 chases around the paddock. 30 minutes later all were safely locked in the barn and munching on hay, I was filthy and soaked to the bone. Clothes changed, bread loaded I headed off to work closely resembling a drowned rat. And that was the easy part......

Home this evening, I headed to milk and finish feeding. Now that the 16 goats and 32 kids were locked in the barn, they all stood at the gate. Just waiting for me to open it. Each and every time I opened the gate to bring a doe out to milk, it was a battle of the wills. They were willing to run me down and I was almost willing to throttle each and everyone of them! Finally done, I finished feeding, gathered eggs and changed clothes AGAIN so I could start supper. The rain is supposed to clear out early and hopefully I can get some rearranging done tomorrow, so as not to have to fight that battle again!

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