Sunday, July 7, 2013

It was another weekend of dodging rain showers. Work a bit and stand under shelter a bit.

Yesterday another lamb was sold. He left for his new home in Georgia. (We loaded him in the rain!) I worked on the sales page and got it updated some more. A couple of lambs are left to go on it but they were being camera shy so I will have to try another day.
The fences are all repaired now so everyone can get back out in the fields. Even so, the ground is so saturated that there are no dry spots and I had to treat some of the milk girls for foot scald. It has rained every day for 10 days....

Today we had to get in the garden. It was really too wet but the potatoes and onions had to come out before they start to rot. Doug went to get the baskets from the shed and uncovered a Yellow Jackets nest. He was stung numerous times. That made a bad start to the day for him! I was talking to my sister when he made his run from the devils. I covered all the stings with charcoal and we headed back to the garden. Thankfully, my sister and her hubby came and helped with harvesting. Even so it still took quite a while, once again being run to shelter from the rain on several occasions.

Not a bad harvest! Red and yellow sweet candy onions and lots of yukon gold, russets, red and purple potatoes.

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