On today's to do list was cheese making, dehydrating tomatoes and freezing plums.The boys had a day of mowing and yard work ahead of them. Bread delivered and milking done I heated milk for a pot of chevre, added the culture and set it aside for the day. Then I started slicing tomatoes for the dehydrator. I used a mandolin this time and it made it go much quicker than usual. It also made all the slices uniform which in turn made them all dry at the same time. I don't know why I didn't do it before!! Once those were in drying, it was on to the plums. I used a cherry pitter on the smallest ones and it worked pretty good. Three quarts were tucked in the freezer for making jam this winter when more time is available. By the end of the day the tomatoes were dry and I two large quart bags full. Then it was time to drain the cheese. A good day's haul for sure!
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